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Last week for me was quite the roller coaster. Leading into it, my night job has been short handed due to the virus. I manage the night custodial staff for a school district with 8 sites. I am the lead and as such I am their lifeline for supplies, repairs, coaching. But for 8 days straight, I had to fill in at one site, leaving my staff with only the supplies and training they had. It played with my mind as I’m usually the one to guide them to a solution…my divine masculine in overdrive.

This all leading to midweek, when I took time off to prepare the house for my wife’s knee replacement. Normally working two full time jobs, I’m not much help around the house. I was now able to give in a different way…nurturing the needs of those at home. More in balance, my divine masculine allowing my divine feminine to shine. Patience, understanding, non judgmental…listening and giving from the heart in my wife’s time of need. Gently guiding her on her healing path…acknowledging the baby steps and giving her the confidence to continue despite the pain.

Tomorrow I go back to both jobs for a day…not sure what role I will play at each. My role at home is certain.lead with love and just be “ME”❤️❤️

Ingrid H. Turner
Ingrid H. Turner
Jan 25, 2022

Wow, Bob, that is a roller coaster! What an exercise in presence this last week must have been. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼♥️


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